足球竞猜app软件 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 星期一,2023年5月22日14:10:01 -0700 星期一,2023年5月22日14:10:01 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 //m.banksfrench.com 143年 143年 FCC的最新频谱移动卫星电视提供商回报 星期一,2023年5月22日12:48:00 -0700

The FCC’s latest spectrum policy announcement, which preserves 500MHz of the 12GHz band for satellite use while designating another 500MHz for terrestrial radios, is a recognition that satellite internet providers like Starlink are being heard, according to experts.

The commission’s latest notice of proposed rulemaking, posted May 18, reflects a more even-handed approach than has been adopted in the past. In carving up the airwaves for C-band usage, substantial amounts of spectrum were taken away from incumbent satellite users and handed off to terrestrial operators, most notably major telecom providers.

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以太网转50,但它的旅程才刚刚开始 星期一,2023年5月22日12:05:00 -0700

You’d be hard pressed to find another technology that has been as useful, successful, and ultimately influential as Ethernet, and as it celebrates its 50th anniversary this week, it is clear that Ethernet’s journey is far from over.

Since its invention by Bob Metcalf and David Boggs back in 1973, Ethernet has continuously been expanded and adapted to become the go-to Layer 2 protocol in computer networking across industries.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3697013/ethernet-turns-50-but-its-voyage-has-only-begun.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3697013/ethernet-turns-50-but-its-voyage-has-only-begun.html tk.rss_all 以太网转50,但它的旅程才刚刚开始 网络 云计算 网络交换机 无线网络
5 g网络片可能容易受到攻击,研究人员说 星期一,2023年5月22日06:39:00 -0700

5G promises increased speed, lower latency, and support for a significantly larger number of connected devices. But the growth in devices and in new applications that will ensue also will expand the attack surface, offering new opportunities for malicious actors to take advantage of security gaps.

Plus, as with any new technology, there is a great deal of potential for misconfigurations, errors, and unpatched vulnerabilities while companies are still learning how to deploy and secure 5G at scale.

About 75% of communication service providers worldwide said that they had experienced up to six security breaches of 5G networks within the past year, according to a November 2022 survey by GlobalData and Nokia. Half of the respondents said that they experienced an attack that resulted in the leakage of customer data, and nearly three quarters said that an attack had caused a service outage.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3697269/5g-network-slices-could-be-vulnerable-to-attack-researchers-say.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3697269/5g-network-slices-could-be-vulnerable-to-attack-researchers-say.html tk.rss_all 5 g网络片可能容易受到攻击,研究人员说 5克
边境仍然统治世界最快的超级计算机 星期一,5月22日2023就是-0700

For the third time in a row, Frontier is ranked number one among the world’s fastest supercomputers, and it remains the only whose fastest speed exceeds one exaFLOPS.

At 1.194 quintillion floating point operations per second (FLOPS), Frontier kept its ranking with more than double the top speed of its nearest competitor, according to the list compiled by TOP500, which issues the rankings twice a year. A quintillion is 1018 or one exaFLOPS (EFLOPS).

The number two machine, Fugaku, maxed out at 442.01petaFLOPS. A petaFLOPS is 1015 FLOPS.

Two competitors in the top 10 improved their speeds since the last ranking period that ended in November 2022, but not nearly enough to even draw close. Those two—LUMI and Leonardo—rank third and fourth, respectively.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3697308/frontier-still-reigns-as-the-world-s-fastest-supercomputer.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3697308/frontier-still-reigns-as-the-world-s-fastest-supercomputer.html tk.rss_all 边境仍然统治世界最快的超级计算机 2020欧洲杯预赛
英国宣布1.2美元的芯片战略,面临批评融资规模 2023年5月19日星期五08:25:00 -0700

The UK government has finally unveiled its delayed 10-year strategy for supporting the country’s semiconductor industry, which includes £1 billion ($1.24 billion) in  investments to drive research and development efforts and shore up the industry’s talent pipeline.

More than two years after the strategy was first promised, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the policy Friday at a meeting of leaders of the G7 group of nations in Japan, coinciding with an agreement to launch a "semiconductors partnership" between the two countries in order to boost supply-chain resilience.

“Semiconductors underpin the devices we use every day and will be crucial to advancing the technologies of tomorrow,” Sunak said in a statement. “Our new strategy focuses our efforts on where our strengths lie, in areas like research and design, so we can build our competitive edge on the global stage.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696936/uk-announces-12b-chip-strategy-faces-criticism-over-funding-size.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696936/uk-announces-12b-chip-strategy-faces-criticism-over-funding-size.html tk.rss_all 英国宣布1.2美元的芯片战略,面临批评融资规模 计算机部件 政府
元正致力于自己的芯片,数据中心设计人工智能工作负载2020欧洲杯预赛 2023年5月19日星期五06:37:00 -0700

Facebook parent company Meta has revealed plans for the development of its own custom chip for running artifical intelligence models, and a new data center architecture for AI workloads.

“We are executing on an ambitious plan to build the next generation of Meta’s AI infrastructure and today, we’re sharing some details on our progress. This includes our first custom silicon chip for running AI models, a new AI-optimized data center design and the second phase of our 16,000 GPU supercomputer for AI research,” Santosh Janardhan, head of infrastructure at Meta, wrote in a blog post Thursday.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696935/meta-is-working-on-its-own-chip-data-center-design-for-ai-workloads.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696935/meta-is-working-on-its-own-chip-data-center-design-for-ai-workloads.html tk.rss_all 元正致力于自己的芯片,数据中心设计人工智能工作负载2020欧洲杯预赛 人工智能 2020欧洲杯预赛 计算机部件
安培发射192 -核心AmpereOne服务器处理器 2023年5月19日星期五03:00:00 -0700

Ampere has announced it has begun shipping its next-generation AmpereOne processor, a server chip with up to 192 cores and special instructions aimed at AI processing.

It is also the first generation of chips from the company using homegrown cores rather than cores licensed from Arm. Among the features of these new cores is support for bfloat16, the popular instruction set used in AI training and inferencing.

“AI is a big piece [of the processor] because you need more compute power,” said Jeff Wittich, chief products officer for Ampere. ”AI inferencing is one of the big workloads that is driving the need for more and more compute, whether it’s in your big hyperscale data centers or the need for more compute performance out at the edge.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696991/ampere -发射- 192核心- ampereone -服务器- processor.html # tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696991/ampere -发射- 192核心- ampereone -服务器- processor.html # tk.rss_all 安培发射192 -核心AmpereOne服务器处理器 服务器
如何快速复杂的Linux命令进行少量更改吗 2023年5月19日星期五03:00:00 -0700

When working in the Linux terminal window, you have a lot of options for moving on the Linux command line; backing up over a command you’ve just typed is only one of them.

Using the Backspace key

We likely all use the backspace key fairly often to fix typos. It can also make running a series of related commands easier. For example, you can type a command, press the up arrow key to redisplay it and then use the backspace key to back over and replace some of the characters to run a similar command. In the examples below, a single character is backed over and replaced.

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能源部基金4000万美元的先进的数据中心冷却 2023年5月18日星期四10:29:00 -0700

The Department of Energy has awarded $40 million to 15 vendors and university labs as part of a government program that aims to reduce the portion of data centers' power usage that's used for cooling to just 5% of their total energy consumption.

The DOE's Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy (ARPA-E) is providing the funding to jumpstart a program called COOLERCHIPS, an acronym for Cooling Operations Optimized for Leaps in Energy, Reliability, and Carbon Hyperefficiency for Information Processing Systems.

For chip cooling to account for just 5% of total energy consumption, that would translate to a PUE of 1.05. (Power usage effectiveness, or PUE, is a metric to measure data center efficiency. It’s the ratio of the total amount of energy used by a data center facility to the energy delivered to computing equipment.)

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696989/doe基金- 4000万-高级-数据中心cooling.html # tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696989/doe基金- 4000万-高级-数据中心cooling.html # tk.rss_all 能源部基金4000万美元的先进的数据中心冷却 2020欧洲杯预赛 服务器
IBM希望拖放连接为混合云应用程序 2023年5月18日星期四07:35:00 -0700

IBM is developing a SaaS package to help enterprises securely network heterogenous environments, including edge, on-prem and multicloud resources.

The IBM Hybrid Cloud Mesh is a SaaS service that implements a virtualized Layer 3-7 environment to rapidly enable secure connectivity between users, applications, and data distributed across multiple locations and environments, according to Andrew Coward, general manager of IBM’s software defined networking group. 

In a nutshell, Hybrid Cloud Mesh deploys gateways within the clouds – including on-premises, AWS or other providers’ clouds, and transit points, if needed – to support the infrastructure, and then it builds a secure Layer 3-7 mesh overlay to deliver applications, Coward said. At the application level, the exposure to developers occurs at Layer 7, and the networking teams see Layer 3 and 4 activities, Coward said.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696988/ibm-wants-drag-and-drop-connectivity-for-hybrid-cloud-applications.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696988/ibm-wants-drag-and-drop-connectivity-for-hybrid-cloud-applications.html tk.rss_all IBM希望拖放连接为混合云应用程序 云计算 云管理 云安全 混合云
AWS投资12.7美元,到2030年,扩大其在印度的云基础设施 -0700年结婚,2023年5月17日23:59:00

Amazon Web Services (AWS) on Thursday said it is committing $12.7 billion to expand its cloud infrastructure in India by 2030 in order to meet growing customer demand for its cloud services.

“Today we’re announcing an additional planned investment of $12.7 billion for cloud infrastructure in India. That will bring our total investment to $16.4 billion by 2030 — boosting the country’s GDP, supporting tens of thousands of jobs, and continuing to help customers innovate,” AWS CEO Adam Selipsky said in a tweet.

The new investment, according to the company, is expected to add $23.3 billion to the country’s GDP by 2030, generating 131,700 jobs annually for the next seven years.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696992/aws -投资- 127 b - -扩展- -云基础设施- - - -印度- - -的- 2030. # tk.rss_all - html //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696992/aws -投资- 127 b - -扩展- -云基础设施- - - -印度- - -的- 2030. # tk.rss_all - html AWS投资12.7美元,到2030年,扩大其在印度的云基础设施 2020欧洲杯预赛 云计算 亚马逊网络服务
Juniper MISTifies ChatGPT,变焦和南京汽车安全服务 -0700年结婚,2023年5月17日11:18:00

Juniper Networks is looking to simplify the control of enterprise networks by expanding the AI-driven conversational interface of its cloud-based Mist management system and adding a new security access control service.

Juniper is integrating the ChatGPT AI-based large language model (LLM) with Mist’s virtual network assistant, Marvis. Marvis can detect and describe myriad network problems, including persistently failing wired or wireless clients, bad cables, access-point coverage holes, problematic WAN links, and insufficient radio-frequency capacity. 

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启动新半导体承诺8 x增加内存密度 -0700年结婚,2023年5月17日08:07:00

System memory is a complex problem. More memory means more performance, especially in a virtualized environment. But more memory also requires more power, and that can add up as you start to get into thousands of memory sticks.

Plus, you can only put so many memory sticks in a server, depending on the number of slots available. So how do you increase memory capacity? By increasing memory density on the chips, which is easier said than done. However, a startup called NEO Semiconductor is claiming it will be able to increase memory density by up to eight times over standard memory with a breakthrough 3D design.

It’s not a new concept; 3D memory stacking has been used in NAND flash to increase capacity for a decade now. Memory transistors can only be so large to fit in the confines of a DRAM chip. Rather than an increase the number of transistors laid out side by side, memory makers began stacking it on top of each other, thus increasing capacity in the same physical space. In the 10 years since 3D stacking began, NAND flash DRAM has reached the 170-layer mark, and SSDs have seen a significant increase in capacity without increasing the number of chips.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696356/startup-neo-semiconductor-promises-8x-increase-in-memory-density.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696356/startup-neo-semiconductor-promises-8x-increase-in-memory-density.html tk.rss_all 启动新半导体承诺8 x增加内存密度 服务器 2020欧洲杯预赛
从备份恢复数据库需要亲身实践 -0700年结婚,2023年5月17日03:00:00

It’s important to back up your databases, but it’s even more important to be able to restore it, so once you’ve identified how you’re going to back it up, make sure you test the different recovery scenarios.

Broadly speaking, there are two database types considered here, traditional and modern, and  recovery is different for each. A traditional database in this context is a database that runs in a single server or virtual machine that you manage, and a modern database might run across many nodes or it might even be serverless, where you have no access to the underlying infrastructure.

Recovering traditional databases

Restoring a traditional database is straightforward as long as you have practiced how to handle  different things that could go wrong. You don’t want to test your backup system for the first time during an actual database outage.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696234/restoring-databases-from-backup-requires-hands-on-practice.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696234/restoring-databases-from-backup-requires-hands-on-practice.html tk.rss_all 从备份恢复数据库需要亲身实践 备份系统和服务
eBay分数节约成本和带宽提高白盒开关运行声波 -0700年结婚,2023年5月17日02:00:00

For online auction powerhouse eBay, customer service is everything. Or, as Parantap Lahiri, vice president of network and data center engineering, puts it, “We want to make the network more like air or water, so our people don’t have to worry about network resources when creating magical services for our users.”

The demands on the eBay infrastructure are staggering: 1.8 billion active listings; 133 million active buyers. It’s main landing page gets 250 million visits per day. Unlike a static storefront site like Amazon, an eBay auction can entail multiple bidders from all over the world competing against each other as the clock ticks down to the end of the auction. And the eBay platform supports direct communication between sellers and buyers, with offers and counteroffers flying back and forth.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696238/ebay-scores-cost-savings-and-a-bandwidth-boost-with-white-box-switches-running-sonic.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696238/ebay-scores-cost-savings-and-a-bandwidth-boost-with-white-box-switches-running-sonic.html tk.rss_all eBay分数节约成本和带宽提高白盒开关运行声波 2020欧洲杯预赛 基础设施
BrandPost: 4更换防火墙和安全SD-WAN分支的主要好处 2023年5月16日星期二14:05:00 -0700 品牌发布

By Gabriel Gomane, Senior Product Marketing Manager at HPE Aruba Networking.

Nowadays, a secure SD-WAN integrates advanced SD-WAN features with built-in next-generation firewall capabilities such as Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), IDS/IPS, and micro-segmentation, allowing organizations to replace legacy branch firewalls. Even though security features in secure SD-WANs are often equivalent to legacy firewalls, a secure SD-WAN offers additional benefits that a firewall cannot provide, accelerating the retirement of legacy firewalls in branches.

The benefits of replacing a branch firewall with a secure SD-WAN include:

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每周网络健康检查,美国和全世界 2023年5月16日星期二08:19:00 -0700

The reliability of services delivered by ISPs, cloud providers and conferencing services (a.k.a. unified communications-as-a-service (UCaaS)) is an indication of how well served businesses are via the internet.

ThousandEyes is monitoring how these providers are handling the performance challenges they face. It will provide Network World a roundup of interesting events of the week in the delivery of these services, and Network World will provide a summary here. Stop back next week for another update, and see more details here.

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3534130/covid-19-weekly-health-check-of-isps-cloud-providers-and-conferencing-services.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3534130/covid-19-weekly-health-check-of-isps-cloud-providers-and-conferencing-services.html tk.rss_all 每周网络健康检查,美国和全世界 网络
IT专家担心网络数据被美联储AI工具 2023年5月16日星期二03:00:00 -0700

As more IT organizations apply artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and so-called AIOps technology to network management, network data is critical to success. AI/ML technology requires more and more data to learn individual networks, derive insights, and offer recommendations. Unfortunately, many organizations encounter problems when trying to feed network data to these AI tools.

In other words, network teams need to modernize their approach to network data before they embrace AI technology.

Enterprise Management Associates recently surveyed 250 IT professionals about their experience with AI/ML-driven network management solutions for a report, “AI-Driven Networks: Leveling up Network Management.” It found that data problems are the number-two technical challenge they encounter when applying AI/ML to network management. Only network complexity is a bigger technical issue.

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谷歌推出A3超级计算机虚拟机 2023年5月15日星期一11:41:00 -0700

Google Cloud announced a new supercomputer virtual-machine series aimed at rapidly training large AI models.

Unveiled at the Google I/O conference, the new A3 supercomputer VMs are purpose-built to handle the considerable resource demands of a large language model (LLM). 

“A3 GPU VMs were purpose-built to deliver the highest-performance training for today’s ML workloads, complete with modern CPU, improved host memory, next-generation Nvidia GPUs and major network upgrades,” the company said in a statement.

The instances are powered by eight Nvidia H100 GPUs, Nvidia’s newest GPU that just begin shipping earlier this month, as well as Intel’s 4th Generation Xeon Scalable processors, 2TB of host memory and 3.6 TBs bisectional bandwidth between the eight GPUs via Nvidia’s NVSwitch and NVLink 4.0 interconnects.

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思科是完整的可观测性与AppDynamics / ThousandEyes搭配 2023年5月15日星期一11:05:00 -0700

Cisco is more tightly integrating its network- and application-intelligence tools in an effort to help customers quickly diagnose and remediate performance problems.

An upgrade to Cisco's Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) platform melds the vendor’s AppDynamics application observability capabilities and ThousandEyes network intelligence with a bi-directional, OpenTelemetry-based integration package. (Read more about how to shop for network observability tools)

The goal with DEM is to get business, infrastructure, networking, security operations, and DevSecOps teams working together more effectively to find the root cause of a problem and quickly address the issue, said Carlos Pereira, Cisco Fellow and chief architect in its Strategy, Incubation & Applications group. 

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696316/cisco-aims-for-full-stack-observability-with-appdynamicsthousandeyes-tie-in.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696316/cisco-aims-for-full-stack-observability-with-appdynamicsthousandeyes-tie-in.html tk.rss_all 思科是完整的可观测性与AppDynamics / ThousandEyes搭配 思科系统公司 网络监控 网络安全 网络管理软件
BrandPost:你们的分支机构遭受表现不佳? 2023年5月15日星期一10:57:00 -0700 品牌发布

Branch offices play a critical role in the success of a business, contributing significantly to its bottom line. Despite that, branch offices often do not have all the pieces of the puzzle in place for robust performance and threat management in these remote locations.

This can happen due to shortfalls in branch office IT management, which can include:

  • No full-time IT staff on site
  • Reduced visibility into network and service performance compared to headquarters or data center locations
  • Limited or no visibility into traffic that doesn’t come back to the data center
  • Difficulty in understanding the remote end-user experience and quantifying the impact of service degradations

Negating these shortfalls requires a more comprehensive approach to remote management encompassing the following areas:

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696689/are-your-branch-offices-suffering-from-poor-performance.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696689/are-your-branch-offices-suffering-from-poor-performance.html tk.rss_all BrandPost:你们的分支机构遭受表现不佳? 数字转换
利用grep命令的选项 2023年5月11日星期四11:58:00 -0700

The grep command makes it easy to find strings in text files on Linux systems, but that's just a start. It can be used to search through these files for multiple strings or regular expressions at the same time. It can also ignore case when needed, and it can count the lines in the resulting output for you. This post shows how to use grep in all these ways.

Basic grep

The simplest grep command looks like the one shown below. This "find string in file" command will show all the lines in the file that contain the string, even when that string is only part of a longer one.

$ grep word story The wording suggests there was more to the story than anyone wanted to admit. The sword had been left behind the shed. It was several days before it was 

Finding multiple strings

There are a number of ways to search for a group of strings in a single command. In the command below, the '|' character serves as an "or" function. The command will display any lines in the file that contain the word "xray", the word "tape" or both.

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多厂商5 g网络切片测试声称70%的涨幅部署速度 2023年5月11日星期四11:56:00 -0700

A group of about a dozen vendors announced this week that a test program for 5G network slicing had achieved 70% gains in the time required to programmatically create a network slice, marking a major step forward in the development of private 5G for enterprise users.

A network “slice,” as it’s called, is essentially a logically distinct subnetwork in a 5G deployment that can be used for a variety of purposes to maximize bandwidth use and provide on-demand 5G services to users. The basic idea is that automation in the 5G core can apply a layer of virtualization to wireless networks, letting a service provider “slice” off parts of its available spectrum and provide them to a customer as a discrete network.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696351/multivendor - 5 g -网络-切片-测试-声称- 70获得speeds.html # tk.rss_all——部署 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696351/multivendor - 5 g -网络-切片-测试-声称- 70获得speeds.html # tk.rss_all——部署 多厂商5 g网络切片测试声称70%的涨幅部署速度 5克 网络
思科押注在印度制造业在全球供应链危机 2023年5月11日星期四02:37:00 -0700

US networking giant Cisco Systems announced a manufacturing plant in India in an attempt to broaden its global supply chain.

The factory is expected to be operational in 12 months and will generate $1 billion in total revenue including exports, said Cisco Chairman and Chief Executive Chuck Robbins.

“We are announcing strategic investments in Indian manufacturing capabilities as the next step in delivering cutting-edge technologies to our customers in India and across the globe,” Robbins said in a press conference in New Delhi on Wednesday. “India is a focal point of innovation and business for Cisco, and we remain deeply committed to our partnerships here.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696428/cisco-bets-on-manufacturing-in-india-amid-global-supply-chain-crisis.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696428/cisco-bets-on-manufacturing-in-india-amid-global-supply-chain-crisis.html tk.rss_all 思科押注在印度制造业在全球供应链危机 供应链
极端移动云计算网络管理的优势 -0700年结婚,2023年5月10日16:43:00

Extreme Networks has unveiled a cloud-based network management package called ExtremeCloud Edge that lets customers administer their growing edge-based resources regardless of their location.

The company also expanded its portfolio of Universal switches with new core and aggregation boxes and released a new power-efficient 2020欧洲杯c组 access point.

The ExtremeCloud Edge package unifies the company’s core ExtremeCloud applications, which include the ExtremeCloud IQ wireless and wired network-management offering, CoPilot AI-based management tool, and SD-WAN. With an integrated package, customers can deploy a variety of management and networking features, from analytics and AI support to edge networks, all via a single cloud-based console.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696348/extreme-moves-cloud-based-network-management-to-the-edge.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696348/extreme-moves-cloud-based-network-management-to-the-edge.html tk.rss_all 极端移动云计算网络管理的优势 网络 网络交换机 路由器 网络管理软件
BrandPost:思科网络技术的电子竞技的核心 -0700年结婚,2023年5月10日13:55:00 品牌发布

Esports is a billion-dollar market that is projected to grow to $5.74 billion by 2030, drawing in hundreds of millions of fans.

So, there’s a lot at stake, and much of it is riding on how well the underlying technology performs. “For the most part, bugs occur within a vacuum and only affect solo gamers, or game streams where nothing is at stake except viewership,” writes SVG, a multi-platform gaming publication. “When a bug strikes during an esports tournament, however, a shoddy line of code can spiral into a million-dollar mistake.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696309/cisco-networking-technology-at-the-heart-of-esports.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696309/cisco-networking-technology-at-the-heart-of-esports.html tk.rss_all BrandPost:思科网络技术的电子竞技的核心 网络安全
戴尔将安全,devops集成存储更新 -0700年结婚,2023年5月10日12:46:00

Dell’s storage product lineup is set to receive a wide range of updates, including  devops integrations with the Ansible and Terraform tools, compliance with the latest US government security standards, zero trust readiness and more.

PowerStore, Dell’s flash-based storage array line, is receiving the lion’s share of the security updates, according to a Dell announcement on Wednesday. Dell said that PowerStore now boasts STIG hardening, meaning that it is compliant with the federal government’s stanadards for its own networks. PowerStore also received secure and immutable snapshot technology, which should make for more reliable and harder-to-compromise recoveries. Multifactor authentication, streamlined file resiliency (which adds more mounted snapshots per system) and direct management of file permissions from within PowerStore are also being added.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3696269/dell-pushes-security-devops-integration-in-storage-updates.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3696269/dell-pushes-security-devops-integration-in-storage-updates.html tk.rss_all 戴尔将安全,devops集成存储更新 企业存储
美国数2020欧洲杯预赛据中心市场接近满负荷运转 -0700年结婚,2023年5月10日11:01:00

The North American data center market is at near capacity, which means that 2020欧洲杯八强竞猜 may not be able to get the space they need at the data center they want, or they may have to pay a premium for it.

Market researcher datacenterHawk, which helps companies search for colocation and cloud service providers, says that the North American data center market is facing record-high demand, although the rate of growth has slowed somewhat due to economic headwinds.

High demand and low inventory (available space) have resulted in a vacancy rate in major North American markets of just 2.88%, according to datacenterHawk's 1Q 2023 Data Center Market Recap. In the secondary markets, it’s 5%.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3695582/us-data-center-market-nears-full-capacity.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3695582/us-data-center-market-nears-full-capacity.html tk.rss_all 美国数2020欧洲杯预赛据中心市场接近满负荷运转 2020欧洲杯预赛
思科的证书问题下来SD-WANs警告说 -0700年结婚,2023年5月10日08:16:00

Cisco is warning customers that an expired certificate bug in a number of its Viptela SD-WAN devices can take down the boxes and consequently their attached SD-WAN environments.

In a tweeted alert and a Tech Note Wednesday morning, Cisco said it is actively working to address a device failure problem that's impacting a number of Viptela SD-WAN platforms including the vEdge 100, 1000, 2000. It defined the problem as “an expired certificate affecting control plane connections, which eventually impacts data plane connections resulting in loss of service.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3695539/cisco-warns-of-certificate-problem-that-takes-down-sd-wans.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3695539/cisco-warns-of-certificate-problem-that-takes-down-sd-wans.html tk.rss_all 思科的证书问题下来SD-WANs警告说 思科系统公司 SD-WAN
美国电话电报公司、戴尔和VMware的团队来简化5 g边缘部署 2023年5月09日星期二14:08:00 -0700

AT&T, Dell and VMware have partnered to create a multi-access edge computing (MEC) solution that includes private 5G wireless deployed on premises. The three vendors combined their experience in 5G communications and edge infrastructure to create an integrated 5G MEC solution – called AT&T MEC with Dell Apex – that’s designed to accelerate enterprise adoption of 5G technology.

AT&T provides network connectivity for the solution, while Dell delivers the hardware that AT&T MEC rides on and provides an “as-a-service” capability via Dell Apex Private Cloud. VMware's virtualization and multi-cloud enablement software comes loaded on the Dell Private Cloud VxRail HCI servers.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3695740/att-dell-and-vmware-team-to-simplify-5g-edge-deployments.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3695740/att-dell-and-vmware-team-to-simplify-5g-edge-deployments.html tk.rss_all 美国电话电报公司、戴尔和VMware的团队来简化5 g边缘部署 边缘计算 5克